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Team FAQ

  1. What is team?
  2. Do I have to join a team?
  3. Can I join more than one team?
  4. How do I start a new team?
  5. Can I compete in the CMT Team Score as an individual?
  6. If I belong to a team, does that mean my hits go to my team rather than to me?
  7. Do my existing hits count when I join a team?
  8. What happens if I don't want to be on a team anymore? And what happens to any hits I generated for the team?
  9. What is the CMT Team Score? And how is the CMT Team Score calculated?
  10. I just started a team, how will I ever catch up and get in the top ten?

  1. What is a team?

    A team consists of [up to] four (4) registered users in the system. A team competes against other teams for the highest CMT Team Score.

  2. Do I have to join a team?

    No, but joining a team just increases the fun.

  3. Can I join more than one team?


  4. How do I start a new team?

    Eventually this will be an automated process. Until such time, creating a team is a multi-step process. First, find some team members (a team must be atleast two people and a maximum of four people) and decide who will be the team captain and what the name of your team will be. Then, the team captain must email the team details (captain, team members and team name) to the site administrators. Then each of the other members of the team must email the site administrators to confirm that they wish to belong to the team. When all the required emails are received, the team will be created. Ensure that you do NOT use anonymous email to communicate with the Site Administrator.

  5. Can I compete in the CMT Team Score as an individual?

    No. The whole idea of a 'team' is that there is more than one person. You will not show up on any team top ten's if your team doesn't include at least two people. If you don't know anyone to invite on your team, why not try and meet some people on the message boards?

  6. If I belong to a team, does that mean my hits go to my team rather than to me?

    No. If one of your notes is hit, you still get credit for a hit. But if you belong to team, your team will also receive credit for a hit.

  7. Do my existing hits count when I join a team?

    No. Any hits you had before you joined a team are ignored. Team hits are only generated once you are part of a team.

  8. What happens if I don't want to be on a team anymore? And what happens to any hits I generated for the team?

    No problem, you can join or quit a team at anytime. Any hits you generated for that team stay with that team, but once you leave the team, your hits will no longer add to the team's hit count.

  9. What is the CMT Team Score? And how is the CMT Team Score calculated?

    The CMT Team Score is similar the to CMT Score (for individuals) except that the team score is based on how well the individuals do as a team. The CMT Team Score is based on the number of team members you have, the number of hits you have as a team and the date that you formed your team.

  10. I just started a team, how will I ever catch up and get in the top ten?

    The CMT Team Score is calculated such that the time span that your team has been in existence is taken into account.

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